Still Lives 3 (Winding Path) - Hannah Waldron
Still Lives 3 (Winding Path)

Still Lives 3 (Winding Path)

Still Lives 3 (Winding Path) – Handweaving, using bamboo, wool, silk and linen yarn dyed with woad, weld, madder, chilli and indigo.

Handwoven and embroidered by Hannah Waldron in 2022.

All weavings are roughly 120 x 150mm, mounted on natural linen, framed unglazed with barefaced lime mouldings.

The framed weaving will be delivered using recorded mail.

Still Lives 3 (Winding Path), Shop, Woven, £100
Framed handweaving, mounted on linen, 120 x 150mm, wool, silk, linen, handwoven and embroidered by Hannah Waldron in 2022.